〒124-0025 Nishi-Shinkoiwa 4-2-6, Katsushika-Ku, Tokyou, Japan.



Services we can offer

Contracted system development (resident)

We are stationed at the customer's site to solve the customer's problems, and we are always striving to help the customer solve their problems.

Contract Development Services

We have system engineers on our side who have experience in AI projects, and we believe we can propose the latest technologies including AI, IoT, SPA applications, iOS, and Android.

Engineer Dispatch Service

Our multinational development team can provide business applications, cloud solutions, and system infrastructure (AWS) based on your requirements. We can also offer offshore development services to meet your budget.

Industries we specialize in (results of our employees)

Name of project
Scope of work

Web system development for government agencies
Detailed design, implementation, UT
  • Client side: Angular5 based, using Node.js, Typescript and other popular frames.
  • We use the latest Java technologies such as REST API based on Spring Boot MVC on the server side.
Factory automatic process control system
Basic design to operation
  • This is the development of a process management system for a major machine manufacturer.
  • This is a fully automated production factory system that instructs PLCs to operate automated warehouses, lines, and robots based on data from the host MES.
  • NET, NHibernate, and other frameworks based on the C# language.
Learning Support System for Prep Schools
Case definition to integration testing
A web system that is like a teaching tool for students and homeroom teachers at a major prep school.
  • Detailed design, manufacturing, and testing of the primary development summer course instructional tool
  • Technical support for defining requirements for secondary development (mock-up, technical research, verification)
  • Based on the java language and the Japanese framework Seasar2 (SAStruts)
  • We also use CI tools such as Jenkins.
Intra-mart based web system
From detailed design to integration testing
Web system for one of Japan's top optical manufacturers
  • Development and testing of inventory management (MM) and production management (PP) functions
  • java, Seasar2 (SAStruts), Intra-mart, SQL SERVER
Linux-based web system development and maintenance
From server construction to operation
Web system for inputting and storing TV metadata and providing ASP services
  • We have customized the existing meta-ASP service so that it can be used to search for programs from key stations in the Kanto, Kansai, and Chukyo regions, as well as programs on the networks of commercial broadcasters.
  • We are creating a Java search API service by calling the API of the full-text search engine QuickSol for specific corporate users.
  • The system is linked to the data broadcasting system, which allows you to search for gourmet food around your home by calling up the store information API stored by the agency and using the zip code registered on the terrestrial digital TV.
  • Linux Apache+Tomcat, Shell, BML, PHP, Spring framework
Digital version of the new broadcasting system
From basic design to operation
Support for the development of core systems for commercial TV stations.
  • I was mainly in charge of the broadcast subsystem's material management, commercial allocation, creation and transmission of broadcast progress data, and TCP communication functions such as external CM bank and VAF bank.
  • Oracle9i, WebOTX, VB6, Java, VBA, PL/SQL

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