〒124-0025 Nishi-Shinkoiwa 4-2-6, Katsushika-Ku, Tokyou, Japan.


Privacy Policy

Select Of Future Co.,LTD

CEO  Wenge Fan

Enacted December 14, 2018

When handling personal information in the course of business, we have established internal regulations to protect personal information and laws and regulations regarding personal information. When handling personal information in the course of business, we have established laws and regulations regarding personal information and internal regulations for the protection of personal information, as well as an organizational structure, and strive to protect personal information appropriately in order to respect our customers and meet their expectations and trust in our company.

Acquisition, use, and provision of personal information

We will specify the purpose of use of personal information within the scope of our business activities, and will acquire, use, and provide personal information in a fair and appropriate manner to the extent necessary to achieve that purpose. In addition, we will take measures to ensure that the acquired personal information will not be used for any other purpose.

Compliance with laws and norms

We will comply with laws and ordinances, national guidelines, other standards, and social order regarding personal information, and strive to protect personal information appropriately.

Appropriate management of personal information

We are fully aware of the risks of unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc., of the personal information we handle, and we will implement reasonable safety measures and take appropriate corrective action in the event of a problem.

Responding to inquiries

We will respond appropriately to inquiries from the person in question regarding the disclosure, correction, suspension of use, or consultation on complaints regarding the personal information we handle.

Continuous Improvement

We have established management regulations and a management system for the protection of personal information, which are thoroughly implemented by all employees and periodically reviewed for continuous improvement.

© 2018-2024 Select Of Future Co., LTD.