〒124-0025 Nishi-Shinkoiwa 4-2-6, Katsushika-Ku, Tokyou, Japan.


IT technicians are always needed!

engineering works

Type of recruitment
Regular employees ・Contract employees
Application Requirements
Required technical experience and knowledge
  • Experience or knowledge of any of the following languages: Java, JavaScript, C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, C/C++, PHP, Python, Object C (Swift, etc.)
  • Knowledge of various RDBMS: Oracle, SQL SERVER, MySQL, Postgres, FireBase, Realm, MongoDB and other databases and SQL.
  • Preference will be given to those with Japanese N2 level or higher, and those aiming to pass N2 after one year of employment are also welcome.
place of business
Head office and surrounding areas in Tokyo
Salary and benefits
To be determined upon consultation.
  • Model annual salary (PM): 39 years old, 6.3 million yen
  • Model annual salary (PG): 29 years old, 5.2 million (more than 5 years in Japan)
vacations and leave
Two days off per week (Saturday and Sunday), national holidays, year-end and New Year vacations, paid vacations, special vacations
welfare program
Employment insurance, social insurance, welfare pension, periodic health checkups
Application Process

Please fill out your resume and send it to the following email

Application Mail:infosof-jp.com

Take the right step,
do the big things.

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