〒124-0025 Nishi-Shinkoiwa 4-2-6, Katsushika-Ku, Tokyou, Japan.


Social Contribution

It has been about four months since the torrential rains in Kyushu in July 2020, and seeing the photos of the damage in Mizukami and Nishiki villages in Kumamoto Prefecture, I was heartbroken to see that the roads and other infrastructure for daily life have not yet been restored, so I decided to donate to both villages through Furusato Connect.

I came to Japan for the first time in 2003 and have been living in Japan for almost 18 years. I have received a great deal of help and support from the kind people of Japan. We are a new small company established in 2018, and we sincerely hope that Mizukami Village and Nishiki Town will recover as soon as possible after the disaster.

If we have the chance, we would like to visit Mizukami Village and Nishiki Town to experience the vast nature and long-lasting culture.

Select Of Future Co.LTD

CEO:Wenge Fan

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